
There are a number of publications that provide a wealth of information on your Catalina 30/309:

The Mainsheet Magazine (included with your Membership). The purpose of the Mainsheet magazine is to share your boating experiences concerning the Catalina 30 yachts with other owners. Catalina owners are encouraged to write about their experiences, purchases, improvements, new/replacement equipment, sailing, likes, dislikes, cruising, destinations, racing, technical data, owner modifications.

Use these handy Mainsheet Article Indexes to find article of interest to you and then order previous issues via the Mainsheet Back Order Form.  Back issues are available for almost all quarterly issues.  Click here for more detailed instructions.

  1. The Feature Articles Index
  2. The Technical Articles Index

The Technical Library has Moved!!!  Please join the C30 Forum and wiki (aka Groups.IO) for the most current and sought after information about Catalina 30/309 repairs, upgrades, and regular maintenance.  This is an old Yahoo group that was converted to Groups.IO.   You must sign up separately and create a Login.  Once you have joined you can access the knowledgebase of technical questions and answers and signup to follow Topics that interest you.  You can also post your own questions to the active owner base  that receives and responds to questions.  Join the Conversation!!

Tech Talk Collection. The Tech Talk Collection first compiled by Richard Dickens, represents over 40 years of technical information from the association newsletters, submissions of C30 owners, dealers and Catalina Yachts own engineering suggestions. You can order the current version (7) which has over 350 pages of ideas, modifications, enhancements, drawings, pictures and references to improve the C30 Yacht

Other internet information resources that might be useful include: